Michael J. Coffey

What Others Are Saying


Featured Testimonial

"...I immediately felt at ease working with Michael. He did not expect me to have prior knowledge or experience with social media. Michael has patiently guided me through the social media world, providing step-by step instructions as well as general guidance. He has trained me to use Google Analytics to evaluate the traffic that comes to my website. He coaches me on the steps needed to move someone step-by-step on a path toward engagement. ... Michael keeps me focused on what is the most important next step at for my business so that I do not spread myself in too many directions.

Whether a novice using social media, as I was, or someone with extensive experience using social media for personal or business purposes, I recommend Ardea Coaching. Michael can train you to look "under the hood" of your website, evaluate the behavior of visitors, and implement changes to better grow your business. Plus it helps that Michael is a very friendly guy with whom to work."
—John Reinmuth, Wellspring Financial Planners PLLC (Gig Harbor, WA)


On Coaching/Analysis

"Michael Coffey is one of the most nuanced critical thinkers and researchers that I’ve met and connected with. … Interacting with him consistently pushes me to a higher level of critical thinking and scholarly rigor. When I have published material, or seen him respond to other people’s published material, he has often asked tough questions that push the dialogue to the next level. … I would highly recommend Michael Coffey for any work that requires skepticism and a deep level of accuracy, especially in situations where there is a lot of conflicting viewpoints or misinformation that needs to be cut through to get to the truth of the matter."
—Alex Zorach (Philadelphia, PA)

"Michael helped my business partner and I define our roles and importance on a new start up venture. He helped us see our vision and tasks necessary to get going and stay focused."
—Tim Vack (Seattle, WA)

"Michael takes the time to work with his students to find out what it is they need from his courses. He is engaging and challenging to those he teaches and goes above and beyond the course offerings with his expertise."
—Courtney Powers (Albany, NY)

"Michael is a great coach. Really on top of his game and knows how to challenge people."
—Robert Richman (Las Vegas, NV)

"…his expertise in analyzing a website allowed him the ability to know what to recommend that would help drive traffic to the site. Extremely helpful, thoughtful in his analysis, and his suggestions. I would highly recommend Ardea Coaching for businesses who want someone who can provide high level details and tactical approaches to website analysis. Not only does Michael know his stuff, but he’s a great guy too!"
—Debbie Girard (Seattle, WA)

"Michael is very creative. He listens well to his client’s needs. He posed thoughtful questions for me to ponder in order to find clarity. He offered exercises that really made me look deeply at my patterns in order to be aware of them and avoid getting stuck again."
—Ann Scheerer (Eugene, OR)

"Michael coached me through my transition from counseling Master’s into getting my business started. He did such a great job I’ve been able to fly on my own ever since and I use the year-end review he gave me every December with wonderful results."
—Anita Manuel (Seattle, WA)

"Michael was...constantly seeking to improve processes. He was extremely dedicated to the success of the company, and would be an asset to any organization. I can recommend him without hesitation."
—Eric Sass (Sacramento, CA)

"Having you analyze my...spreadsheet point by point was more than I was expecting! I look forward to future communications and appreciate the help you are providing to folks like me. "
—Carolyn Wilcox (Seattle, WA)


On Classes/Education

"Very concrete and allows folks to directly apply to individual businesses. Thanks!"
—Kelsi Jensen, Girls Rock Math

"Presentation was awesome. His stories and examples were excellent"
—anonymous feedback form

"Easy to follow. Well laid out."
—anonymous feedback form

"Great overview and a few deep dives."
—anonymous feedback form

"An excellent workshop in all respects."
—anonymous feedback form

"Good examples that helped with understanding. Enjoyable class"
—anonymous feedback form

"Engaging and informative"
—anonymous feedback form